E-Commerce Stores
Aacadia Offers the Best E-Commerce Merchant Services
The best e-commerce merchant services providers will have a high level of security and a proven track record of data management, reducing chargebacks and increasing Fraud Prevention by providing Stat-of-the-Art Dashboard and Chargeback Mitigation Tools.
Be sure to discuss your options for what it means to mitigate credit card fraud with e-commerce fraud protection by Aacadia Payments.
Obtaining the highest quality payment processing service and support is essential for your business. Whether you operate a restaurant, retail shop, or company that is completely e-commerce, you’ll want to look for important features. Understanding which payment servicers best suit your needs will help you figure out the best ecommerce payment processing merchant account for you. Aacadia Payments offers e-commerce solutions for all verticals and business types.

Where Should You Find an E-commerce Merchant Account?
As Credit Card Payment professionals, we will get your business ready to accept online credit card payments and other forms of electronic payments with customized online payment processing solutions. At Aacadia Payments, we are the leading authority in providing e-commerce merchant services, ecommerce merchant accounts, and ecommerce credit card processing solutions for a vast array of industries.
Payments have Evolved to accept Ecommerce payments!
Ecommerce is the buying and selling of products or services through digital channels. There are several specific types of e-commerce; the most common form being online shopping, or B2C as we in the business world know it as business to consumer. In this environment, consumers can order various products and manage their ecommerce payments all online. A second category is B2B or business to business. This is when businesses, like manufacturers, retailers or wholesalers sell goods and/or services. Finally, e-commerce business has many businesses that transact C2C or from consumer to consumer, through online platforms like EBay, Etsy and other similar websites.
Credit Card Processing Growth
E-commerce is now more popular than in-store shopping, with 63% of Americans citing online as their favorite way to shop. E-commerce is steadily taking more and more of the shopping business. As such, if you are one of the tens of millions of businesses that use an e-commerce platform, you need to ensure you have a High-Risk Payment Provider and a Ecommerce merchant account. Importantly, before you launch your business, make sure you start with the correct e-commerce payment processing solution such as Aacadia Payments.
You need Aacadia Payments for your online payment processing solutions.
Online Credit Card Processing for E-commerce Retailers
Online Retailers make things very convenient for purchasers. But it can be difficult at times, especially for those that are higher risk Ecommerce businesses to be able to process and take debit and credit card payments without issues.
Reliable and Secure Payment Processing is the key for e-commerce merchants. Make sure you do your research and select a High-Risk Payment Provider that understands your business model. Recently, many high risk and low risk payment providers have changed the way they do business to meet new payment regulations. Accordingly, they have increased their Fraud Prevention and Internet Security to try and lessen Fraud Losses.
Aacadia Can Support your High Risk Business
Finding the right payment provider can be difficult as there are a lot of nuances. also, you’ll want one that can meet the specific needs of your business. Once you have identified a qualified payment provider, they can help you get set up your merchant account.
E-commerce merchants are faced unnecessarily with higher than average credit card processing fees. Including many times an Equipment or POS Fee, a setup fee, equipment fee, and even Early Termination Fees when they close their merchant account. These are only a few of the processing fees that merchants may find with many payment processing providers. Other fees include monthly support fees, access fees, and more.
Let the Aacadia Payments Experts Guide You To The Best Online Payment Processing Solutions
With Aacadia Payments Ecommerce credit card processing, you will be able to accept credit cards from your website with simple integrations. Our solutions help business owners take their business to the next level.
Our Ecommerce Merchant Accounts and Plans Feature:
- Support for Most/All shopping carts
- Gateways with Multiple Options
- Chargeback Mitigation Alerts and Management
- Robust Gateway and Merchant Account and Tailored Fraud Prevention Tools
Our affordable e-commerce merchant services and our online credit card payment processing Gateway seamlessly integrates with your Shopping Cart or Payment Platform. As a result, this gives customers a smooth and secure online buying experience. Launch your shop with the right ecommerce credit card processor and avoid getting your merchant account placed on Hold or Terminated. Moreover, Aacadia Payments is at the forefront of the ecommerce payment processing industry and will remain knowledgeable on any Compliance Regulations that affect your business.
We understand the unique payment processing requirements of Internet-based business, as 92% of our clients process payments online.
Open your Online Payment Processing Merchant Account with Aacadia Payments Today by filling out the form below!!
Get Started
Speak with a merchant account expert and get approved!
We’ll work hard for your business and want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with our merchant services. Your continued success as our customer is our top priority.
Send us a note using the form on this page or you can contact us by phone during business hours Pacific Time.